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Our Purpose

It is our purpose at Coopers Gap Baptist Church to carry out the Great Commission. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, while giving final instructions to His disciples said these words: Matthew 28:18-20 " And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Matthew 28:18-20

With this scripture in mind, Coopers Gap has a Four-Fold purpose to:

Evangelize- We live in a world that is lost. We come into this world with a bent against God and the things of God. We are all sinners and as a result of our sin we are separated from God. Jesus Christ who is God and man and perfectly without sin came to this earth and willingly laid down His life to pay for our sin debt. The only person who has ever lived who didn't deserve to die chose to die so that we wouldn't have to. When we place faith in Him and His finished work on the cross the wall of separation crumbles and we have fellowship with God and the promise to live with Him for all eternity in heaven. This is the only message that can make a difference in the human life. God has called us to share this message with the world. At Coopers Gap, this is the message that we have built our entire ministry on and we have in place ways to share this message and also opportunities to share this message.

Equip- Education is an essential for Christian growth and maturity. One of the major problems in many churches today is that the Christians are more educated in the programs of the church than the Word of God. The Word of God is an irreplaceable necessity for the instruction and growth of all Christians. At Coopers Gap we believe the Word of God to be Inspired, Infallible, and Inerrant. Our approach is expository explanation of the Word building principle upon principle and teaching how the Word is applied so that it can change lives.

Encourage- It is our duty as Christians to bear one another's burdens. To lift up and build up one another in faith and love. We are the hands, feet and mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth. If we speak His words, walk wherever He tells us to go, and speak with His voice we will minister to one another's needs and as a result encourage all that we come in contact with.

Excite- It is our responsibility as a church to present Christ in the messages we preach, the songs we sing, the lessons we teach and the fellowships we have. If this is done correctly God's people will be excited not because of our services or programs but in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our churches today seem to be working overtime to excite people about their church. I submit that if you get people excited about Jesus and their relationship with Him, excitement in the church will follow.

If you are currently seeking a bible believing church that will minister to your needs and give you the opportunity to minister to the needs of others, Coopers Gap is the place for you.


Coopers Gap Baptist has been serving this community for 134 years.

Our Youth

Take a look at this Youth Video.

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730 Cooper Gap Road, Mill Spring, NC 28756






Sunday Worship Services - 10:00 AM

Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 AM

Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00 PM

Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 PM

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