​Coopers Gap Baptist Church
​Coopers Gap Baptist Church

God has a great plan for your life.
From the Pastor's Pen
The celebration of King Jesus’ Resurrection will be April 20. Thus, this month and the two Sundays in April prior to Easter, we will spend preparing our hearts, minds and spirits for this holiest of celebrations.
We will do that by looking into the Gospel of Luke on Sundays, and the sayings from the Cross on Wednesday nights. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will use this time to revive us and prepare us for all that He has in store for us.
Remember, we SPRING FORWARD on March 9—so please, as you go to bed on March 8, set your clock forward one hour.
On the 23rd, we’ll be taking up our Baptist Children’s Homes food card offering. Please be considering what you would like to give to this very worthy cause.
March is also the time when we remember those who labor as missionaries in North America, as well as Chaplains. For us, most personally, it is a time to remember all of those yellow-shirted and/or capped volunteers who came to our area immediately after Hurricane Helene to help in the recovery process, and still serve in some places today.
This is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions season, as well as the Season of Prayer for North American Missions. Prayerfully consider now what you will give to the Annie Armstrong Offering.
March is a time of transitions, weather wise, and Winter fades and Spring comes in. Let us use this time of natural seasonal rebirth to remind us of our need to seek to grow closer to our Creator, Sustainer and Savior, God the Father and His Son, King Jesus.
Rev Tom Baker,
Interim Pastor
Our Purpose
Our Staff
We love serving our church and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Judy Lawerence
Church Secretary

Mike Wilson
Music Director

Brenda Jackson
Deacon of the month
The Deacon of the Month for March is Billy Gibbs.
The Greeter for March is Kerri Amos.